Kass, János Hommage a György Kurtág

János Kass was a versatile artist and is known as a painter, graphic artist and sculptor. Already during his college studies, he tried many different branches of art, and during his creative career he also worked on making film posters, designing postage stamps, reproducing graphic procedures and illustrating books. As a sculptor, he worked with marble, but the use of modern materials (bronze, aluminum) was not far away, he created works close to sculpture and new genres of modern art in the early 1970s.
As well as Hommage á György Kurtág, which dates from this period (70s). The cylindrical statues standing on an aluminum pedestal form a pair as a man with a woman. János Kass pays tribute to the world-famous composer and pianist György Kurtág, who was also the composer of the American film director Stanley Kubric's 2001 Space Duel, with his special figures standing stiffly.
Hommage á Kurtág György is a limited edition work of 75 copies. With his sculptural pairs, János Kass makes it clear that he was at home in the world of painting and graphics, as well as in sculpture.
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