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Csebi-Pogány, István



Current auction

Born in Szombathely

Masters : János Vaszary, István Réti, Aladár Edvi Illés.

1928-37: Hungarian Academy of Fine Art. He worked as a teacher assistant at the Academy. In 1937, at the Jubilee Exhibition of the Academy of Fine Arts, he was awarded the special price for water colour painting. He travelled through France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany with the Balló-award, with a state scholarship he went to Italy. In 1943, he won a Balaton and Székelyföld scholarship. Member of the KÉVE artist association. 1947 scholarship in Rome. From 1940 on, he was teaching at the Art school in Budapest and other colleges. He illustrated poetry books. Beside his oil paintings and pastels, he is known for his aquarelle works. From 1933 on his portraits, still lives and landscapes were exhibited. Nature inspired him most, the Lake Balaton takes a major role in his paintings. He also created aluminium sculptures and reliefs.


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