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Duschanek, János



János Duschanek was born in 1947 in Bakonyszentlászló (Western Transdanubia). He got serious professional help from the workshop led by Louis Cziráki, where he went after the Benedictine High School classes at the afternoon. Between 1968 an 1972 he studied at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Art, where Aurél Bernáth was his teacher. From 1997 to his retirement he was art teacher at the Fine and Applied Arts School, where he taught his pupils for the established professional knowledge and awareness of artistic behavior.

János Duschaneks paintings are particular, vivid part of the Hungarian art life. The country experiences brought from the small village of Bakony, which are filled with old tales, are transformed into strange vision on the canvases or on the paper. His specific imagery evokes Dali and de Chirico painting styles. On his carefully crafted compositions he takes advantage of the Netherlandish and Italian Renaissance masters picture solutions. The spirit of his pictures and colors, suggestive express the figures feelings and psyche at the compositions.

Year Biography
1947 he was born in Bakonyszentlászló
1968-1972 Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts
1997  he was art teacher at the Fine and Applied Arts School
  His teacher: Aurél Bernáth
1990 Pál Molnár C. Society Grand Prize
1982 Monaco painting Grand Prix (figurative prize)
1980 Academy of Art, Honoris Causa, Parma
1980 Vanvitelli Academy, Honoris Causa, Naples
1980 VII. National Watercolor Biennial Prize
1977 Naples, Italy 2000 competition, Ferrariale Cupa
1976 The V. National Watercolor Biennial excellence award
1976 Szeged Summer Exhibition I. prize
1976 Young realist painters Biennale II. prize
1975 Gyula Derkovits art scholarship
  Single exhibitions
2014 Memorial exhibition, XIII. disct. Mayor's Office, Városház Gallery, Budapest
2007 Aurél Bernáth Gallery, Ábrahámhegy
2003 Castle Museum, Simontornya
1992 Mednyánszky Gallery, Budapest
1988 School Gallery, Budapest
  Kisfaludi Strobl Gallery, Szeged
1986 Mednyánszky Hall, Budapest
1985 Cultural Center, Mosonmagyaróvár
1983 Ferenczy Hall, Pécs
1982 Galerie Rutzmoser, München
1981 Csontváry Hall, Budapest
  Galerie Mensch, Hamburg
1976 János Xantus Museum, Győr
1975 Lila school, Budapest-Újpest
1973 Bardócz B. Community Center, Mosonmagyaróvár
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