Csáki, Róbert Hommage Velazquez

We can see a sitting man’s figure in an armchair in the center of the painting. His right hand is lying on the armrest. The other one is covered as he is turning towards us. He is looking at us while he is puckering his forehead. He is wearing the commoner’s dress of that era (17th century): collar, white shirt, red-brown loose smock and trousers, black long boots. There is a rolling landscape in the blurry background.
At the right side of the painting there are some yellowish stains…maybe they are contours of a distant town and above it a light column points to the sky. White geometrical lines stand out from the shape, kind of a column loft.
In the surrealistic painting world of Robert Csáki the imagination and the dream, also the spontaneously out coming memories materialize and alloy to a grotesque and bizarre world.
The ageless sitting man with a distorted face in the armchair like pull us up wherefore we look at him. The painter’s figures are often childish or intellectually infantile (deformed head shape, picked ears) and they marvel at the World with this naivety. The filial defencelessness is appropriate to express the existential loneliness. His soul mood drawing fixes the momentary vibration. The character seems like he wants to move, but he cannot.
The artist is manifesting in the figure behind the contorted mask.
At the same time this surrealistic picture is on the pale of reason and also shows similarity to portrait of Velazquez 10th Ince Pope and it is similar to the essay of Francis Bacon about Velazquez 10th Ince Pope. On all three artworks the poses and the white veils on the covered figures are the same.
On the painting of Csáki the veil is like a feather lies on the body, kind of enmeshes him and ties him to the chair. The artist put the figure into a scenery which is related to him only by the mood. That makes this surrealistic atmosphere stronger. The light effect at the back can be explainable lot of ways but it definitely shows well that we are not in the real world.
This artwork salutes Diego Velazquez 17th-century painter and evokes the traditional art of painting.
This creation is one piece of his Hommage series. It is a kind of vision work which cuts a dash like Velazquez oil paintings but it is an explanation of a modern and contemporary artist.
This gicleé print made with the latest ink-jet technology in limited edition
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