Szőnyi, István Yard in the Moonlight

In this picture can see the details of a courtyard from the country. Ont he left there is a hill in the distance, nearby on empty chair is standing close to a tree. On the right side of the picture there are trees in flower. In the centre we can see spots of dark bushes constrasted with the white light of the Moon. It is spring, the fareground among budding trees the moonlight flows freely. István Szőnyi from 1930, in his artistic period at Zebegény searched harmony of dramatic way of his artistic expression with plein air painting. His colours comparing to his earlier periods are more bright and shining. This picture which was painted at Zebegény is characterized by tender fonality and passive meditating lyrical feeling. The artist follows the traditions of landscape-painting adopting simple compositions: we see a long foreground, in the middle we see the main motive, the moon which closes the picture on both sides. Szőnyi painted this picture in the manner, as if the viewer was observing it through a veil. This effect was produced by his technique of egg-tempera. Not the details of landscape, but the atmosphere is important, for this reason the pitcure can be said to be postimpressionist as well. The artist from 1924 spent more and more time at Zebegény were the main topic of his painting activity was the pictureque enviroment of this village. His work entilted „Courtyard at Zebegény by moonlight” belongs to this series. This piece is comparable to his picture enilted „Garden bench” painted in 1943. The lyric works of the artist declare harmonious unity between man and nature.
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