Balla, Margit
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Margit Balla was born in 1947 in Budapest. Between 1969 and 1974 she studied at the College of Applied Arts as a tipography student of István Balogh, József Finta and György Konecsni. In 1982 she worked at the artist colony of Worpswede, and in 1984, at the Hungarian Academy of Rome, on scholarship. She has been teaching at the Javne Jewish Community School since 1991. She is one of the leaders of the Javne Theatre.
Margit Balla started her career as a graphic designer, working mostly on movie posters. Since 1981 she has been painting, creating graphics, illustrating books and making small statues from objects she finds.
She also designs costumes and stage scenery for the Szigliget Theatre of Szolnok.
Her art consists of meticulous pencil, pen and ink drawings, touched by surrealism. Her especially rhythmic compositions depict plant motifs, fantastic creatures, puppet-like figures, people, animals and architectural elements as well. They possess very unique eclecticism and symbolism. In her art, everyday reality is mixed with a fictional world.
Year | Biography |
1947 | Born in Budapest |
1969-1974 | Hungarian Academy for Applied Arts, specialised on typography |
1984 | Worked at the Hungarian Academy in Rome |
Teachers: István Balogh, József Finta, György Konecsni | |
Awards | |
2002 | Theatre Critics's award, for the best children's and youth performances |
1982 | Scholarship, Worpswede Art Colony |
1980 | Best poster of the year award, Hungarian National Gallery |
Studio-award, Pécs | |
1979 | Tihany Statuette Biennial award |
Single exhibition | |
2010 | Circus |
2010 | Pencil pictures, brush drawings |
2006 | Age-images |
2005 | Contrasts |
2004 | Waldsee 1944 - International Postcards Exhibition |
1996 | Biblical World Gallery |
1995 | Aquincum Hotel, Budapest |
1993 | Vigadó Gallery, Budapest |
1992 | Hungarian Culture Home, Helsinki |
1990 | Cultural Center, Jerusalem |
1989 | Miskolci Gallery, Miskolc |
1988 | Ars Longa, Aachen (D) |
Art Gallery, Budapest | |
1985 | Schwabenlandhalle, Felbach (D) |
Dresdner Bank, Landau (D) | |
1983 | Horizont Gallery, Budapest |
Óbudai PinceGallery, Budapest | |
1982 | Galerie im Flottbeck, Hamburg |
Galerie Philine-Vogeler Haus Park, Worpswede (D) | |
1981 | Dorottya Gallery, Budapest |
Galerie an der Düssel, Düsseldorf | |
Galerie K am Rudolfplatz, Köln | |
1980 | Galerie Wolfrum, Vienna |
Galerie Rutzmoser, Munich | |
Bács-Kiskun County Council Gallery, Kecskemét | |
Galerie D'Egelantier, Amszterdam | |
1979 | Youth House, Szeged |
Galerie K am Rudolfplatz, Köln | |
1978 | Öffentliche Bücherhallen, Hamburg |
Galerie am Flottbeck, Hamburg | |
1977 | Galerie K am Rudolfplatz, Köln |
1975 | Stúdió Gallery, Budapest |
Selected group exhibitions | |
1989 | Csók Gallery, Székesfehérvár |
1988 | Art Gallery, Budapest |
1987 | Art Gallery, Budapest |
Galerie der Künstler, Munich | |
from 1986 | Nógrádi Museum, Salgótarján |
1986 | III. International Statuette Triennial, Schwabenlandhalle, Felbach |
100+1 years old the Hungarian poster, Art Gallery Budapest | |
1984 | Surrealist graphics, Óbuda Gallery, Budapest |
1983 | Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest |
1982 | Art Gallery, Budapest |
Hungarian Graphics, Victoria and Albert Museum, London | |
1981 | Trends 1970-1980, Óbuda Gallery, Budapest |
1980 | Art and society, Art Gallery, Budapest |
Best posters of the year, Art Gallery, Budapest | |
2000-2010, Miskolc Gallery, Miskolc | |
1979 | Hungarian graphics '78, Hungarian National Gallery |
1978 | Színház téri Gallery, Szeged |
VI. International Graphical Biennial, Palazzo Strozzi, Firenze | |
from 1976 | Stúdió Gallery, Budapest |
from 1975 | Jubilee Art Exhibition, Art Gallery, Budapest |
Jubilee Poster Exhibitions, Art Gallery, Budapest | |
1973 | National Graphical Biennial, Miskolci Gallery, Miskolc |
1972, 1974 | International Poster Biennial, G. Zacheta, Varsó |
Works in public collection | |
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest | |
Nógrád Museum, Salgótarján | |
National Széchenyi Libray, Budapest | |
Petőfi Literary Mueum, Budapest | |