Földi, Péter
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Péter Földi studied at the Eger Teacher Training College specialized on mathematics and drawing, where his teachers were Ödön Somoskői, János Blaskó, János Seres and Ernő Nagy. He finished his studies at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts. From 1995 until his retirement he taught in the Esterhazy Karoly College. His is a regular participant in national exhibitions.
His specific mythology which guides his brush, comes from the folk tales and the folk traditions’ world, but inspired by the sincerity and purity of children's drawings as well. The main source of him inspiration the hometown Somoskőújfalu, he re-interpreted the folk traditions. He following the unstudied, cosmic vision of the children's drawings and "neo-primitive painting” as well. At the beginning of his career, the effect of Jackson Pollock and Hans Hartung were felt, he created expressive and lyrical abstract works. From the seventies the flora form naturalistic representation coupled with geometric character, he inquired into the laws of the repeat and eclipse, than he deals with the existence of biologically superior animal - birds, quadrupeds – visualization. For the second half of the decade he found his individual color-form-image world. On his concisely composed works opposite with the anti-colourist conceptual fashion, the strong, clean, uniform color surfaces often appeared, following the children's drawings, the folk art untutored world view and the purity of the "neo-primitive" painting. The absence of the visual perspective is reminiscent of Egyptian art.
Year | Biography |
1949 | he was born in Somoskőújfalu (town in Nógrád County) |
1968-1972 | He studied at the Eger Teacher Training College spcialized on mathematics and drawing |
He studied at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts | |
from 1995 | The Esterhazy Karoly College of Education's Associate Professor |
1972-1992 | Taught in his native village |
1995- 2009 | He taught until his retirement in Esterhazy Karoly College |
from 1994 | Member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts |
His teachers: Ödön Somoskői, János Blaskó, János Seres, Ernő Nagy | |
Awards | |
2007 | Kossuth-award |
2001 | Hungarian Republic merited artist |
1998 | Tornyai-plaque, Hódmezővásárhely |
Gold Cross of the Hungarian Republic | |
1984, 1988, 1992 | Miskolc Winter Exhibition awards |
1980, 1997 | Eger Watercolor Biennale Grand Prize |
1982, 1988, 1992, 1995 | Salgótarján Drawing Biennial Grand Prize |
1979, 1993, 1998 | Salgótarján Spring Exhibition Grand Prize |
1994 | Vasarhely Autumn Exhibition awards |
1994 | For the Hungarian Arts Award |
1993 | First National Pastel Biennial Prize, Esztergom |
1992 | Wine Festival awards |
1988 | Szeged Summer Exhibition awards |
1987 | Munkácsy-award |
1985 | Eger Liberation Exhibition awards |
1982 | The Drawing Biennial Grand Prize, Salgótarján |
1981 | The Studio '81 the "KISZ" Central Committee awards |
Szombathely city Derkovits-awards | |
1980 | Derkovits-Award for Excellence |
Eger Watercolor Biennale Grand Prize | |
1979 | On the Studio '79 at the National Council of Trade Unions awards |
1978 | Derkovits-scholarship |
1977 | The Ministry of Culture Education and Art awards |
1973, 1976 | Madách-scholarship |
Selected single exhibitions | |
2011 | Erlin Gallery |
2010 | Spring Party Gallery, Pécs |
Lena & Roselli Gallery, Budapest | |
2006 | The Wheatear habitat: in memory of Supka Manna, Aulich Art Gallery, Budapest |
2005 | The swineherd sisters' singing, Szinyei Gallery, Budapest |
Ferenc Móra Museum, Szeged | |
2001 | Vigadó Gallery, Budapest |
1997-2010 | Parti Gallery, Pécs |
1995 | Synagogue, Szolnok |
1987 | Tornya Museum, Hódmezővásárhely |
1981 | Vigadó Gallery, Budapest |
1977 | House of Culture, Somoskőújfalu |
1974 | Hospital Gallery, Salgótarján |
1973 | Nógrád County Council Club, Salgótarján |
Selected group exhibitions | |
2012 | Eighth stunt - jungle, the Miskolc Gallery Metropolitan Museum of Art |
2012 | We belong together, Forrás Gallery |
2011 | Erlin Gallery |
2011 | Changes - spring, summer, autumn, winter - with Füzesi Heierli Susan, Kudor Duka Stephen and Sarah Richter, MONO Gallery |
2008 | North so - Eger's five Artists: Peter Land, Imre Bukta, Csaba George Borg Szurcsik Joseph, Louis bones. Coast Gallery, Pécs |
2007 | IX. State Art Exhibition Award Winners, Olof Palme House, Budapest |
2004 | Europe Frieze, Ungar - Vienna Collegium Hungaricum Gallery, Vienna |
2004 | Art Collections in the II. district– Stephen Nemeth collection |
2000 | PéterFöldi, Ákos Muzsnay, Tamás Szabó exhibition, Vigadó Gallery, Budapest |
1998 | 45. Vásárhelyi Autumn Exhibition, János Tornyai Museum, Hódmezővásárhely |
Kolozsváry-Collection, Art Gallery, Budapest | |
1997 | Hungarian Salon '97, Art Gallery, Budapest |
Folk Art in the Contemporary Art, Kiskunhalas | |
1993 | Salgótarján Spring Exhibition |
1992 | Wine Festival Exhibition, Csontváry Gallery, Budapest |
Hungarian mythology, Lajos Kossuth University, Debrecen | |
1990 | V. National Small Graphic Bienniall, Sándor Nógrádi Museum, Salgótarján |
Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Párizs, Grand Palais | |
1989 | Winter Exhibition, Hungarian Fine and Applied Artists, Kunsthalle, Budapest |
Kunst Heute in Ungarn,Neue Galerie, Sammlung Ludwig | |
Meisterwerke der Ungarischen Moderne, Graz | |
1988 | International Art Fair, Basel |
1987 | Hungarian contemporary art, Munich |
Christie-auction, Amsterdam | |
1985 | 40 creative years, Kunsthalle, Budapest |
1982 | VIII. Watercolor Biennial, Eger |
II. National Arts Biennial, Museum Alexander Nógrádi Salgótarján | |
1980 | Summer exhibition, Szeged |
1977 | Studio '77, Székesfehérvár |
1975 | Hungarian Landscapes - Landscape Painting Biennial, Hatvan |
1973-1974 | Sring exhibition, Salgótarján |
Alföld exhibition, Békéscsaba | |
Teachers Artists National Exhibition, Fáklya Club, Budapest | |
Works in public collections | |
Déri Museum, Debrecen | |
József Katona Museum, Kecskemét | |
Kecskemét Gallery, Kecskemét | |
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest | |
Modern Hungarian Gallery, Pécs | |
Sándor Nógrádi Museum, Salgótarján | |
Szombathelyi Gallery, Szombathely | |
János Tornyai Museum, Hódmezővásárhely | |
Castle Museum, Eger | |
City Museum, Győr |