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Gyulai, Líviusz



Líviusz Gyulai was born December 2nd 1937 in Barót, Transylvania. He grew up with his mother, but she flew to Hungary in 1944 and left her son with relatives. It was only in 1946 that he could follow his mother to Sopron. First he was a regular visitor at the local library, than he got a job there. This is where he saw Gustav Doré’ s works and Verne illustrations for the first time.

Soon, he started to draw regularly in the group around Ernő Ágoston. In 1952, he continued his studies at the college of Fine Arts in Budapet and attended the Academy of Fine Arts from 1956 on. During his years of studies Aurél Bernáth becomes his good friend. In 1962 he graduates in graphical arts, János Kmetty was his master.

Líviusz Gyulai’ works are characterised by ironic representations full of humour, they show a long passed time. His detailed graphics, which are a good combination of the medieval technique of woodcuts and the modern techniques, create a unique fantasy world in the eyes of the observer. The prints, which remind of old postcards and lithographs around the turn of the century, represent simple human and animal figures on different historical spots.

Other images show fantastic carnival scenes, Italian Rococo and English bourgeoisie, costumes of the 19th century, the joy of life and irony. The literary illustrations are piquant and partly frivolous. Other works show well known literary figures and heroes with their tasks and destiny. The images show at the same time nostalgia and the grotesque. A milieu with its own little fragmentariness.

Year Biography
1937 He was born in Barót (city in Romania)
in 1962 he graduated at the College of Fine Arts
  He went to study to Italy and to the UK
  His teachers: János Kmetty and Sándor Ék
2014 The Artist of the Nation
2013 The Hungarian Order of Merit
2005 Prima award
2004 Kossuth award
1997 XXIX. Szeged Summer Exhibition, the "MAOE" Fine Art department award
1995 XXVII. Szeged Summer Exhibition award
1989 Merited artist
1987 Albert Csillag Foundation, Main prize
1984 Hungarian People's Republic' Art Foundation Exhibition prize
1980 IBA silver medal, Lipcse
1979 Beauty Hungarian Book tender award
1978 Silver Dove Award, Short Film Festival of Lipcse
  Golden Nofretete-award, Film Festival of Cairo
1973 Munkácsy-award
1972 IBA-golden medal, Lipcse
1971 II. Florence Graphic Biennial golden medal
  Single exhibition
1966 Dürer Hall, Budapest
1997 City Exhibition Hall, Kazincbarcika
  MOL Székház Gallery, Szolnok
  Painter room, Sopron
1992 Sárospataki Gallery, Sárospatak
1989 Town Concert and Exhibition Hall, Zalaegerszeg
1988 Ferenc Erdei Cultural Center, Kecskemét
1985 Painter room, Sopron
1982 Csepel Gallery, Budapest
1981 Dorottya Gallery, Budapest
1980 József Attila Library, Miskolc
  Group exhibition
1983 The evolvement years around 1960. Hungarian art of the twentieth century, Csók Gallery, Székesfehérvár
1979 Hungarian Graphics 1978, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
1971 Hungarian Graphics for Dürer's memory…, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
1969 Hungarian Art, 1945-1969, Art Gallery, Budapest
1968 Studió '58-68, Art Gallery, Budapest
  Contemporary Hungarian Graphics, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
1964-től He took part on a number of international graphic and book arts exhibition,
  for example: Brno, Buenos Aires, Carpi, Lipcse, São Paulo, Tokyo.
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