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Kisfaludi Strobl, Zsigmond




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Zsigmind Kisfaludi Strobl was born in 1884 in Alsóraik (Western Transdanubia in Hungary). Between 1901 and 1904 he was the pupil of the School of Applied Arts, where Lajos Mátrai and Antal Lóránfi were his teachers. Then he spent two years in Vienna by the Zala county scholarship. In 1904 he returned to Hungary and continued his studies in the School of Decorative Art in 1908 as a pupil of Béla Radnai and Bertalan Székely. In 1909 he organized his first collections exhibition. In 1913 he got his first public mandate to prepare the statue of Mihály Horváth, which was inaugurated in Szentes. From the 1920s he formed several war memorials. More than fifty public art works can be found throughout Hungary.
Between 1924 and 1960 he was the professor of the College of Fine Arts. In the thirties he has repeatedly traveled to England, where he created 75 portraits which makes him world famous. His Hamilton General representing statue located in Aberdeen in Scotland, his “The Birth of Venus” titled works can be found in Santa Barbara in California.
After the secondary word war he was one of the most employed Hungarian sculptors. At that time he made the Liberation monument to the top of the Gellért Hill. During his lifetime he received countless awards and recognition: in 1950, 1953, he was awarded by the Kossuth-prize; in 1952 he got the Outstanding Artist Award.

Year Biography
1884 He was born in Alsórajk (Western Transdanubia, Hungary)
1901-1904 School of Applied Arts
1904-1905 Stadtgewerbeschule, Vienna
1905-1908 National School of Decorative Arts
1912-1913 Julian Academy, Paris
From 1958 President of the "Fészek" Art Club until his death
From 1949 Hungarian Fine and Applied Arts Association board member
From 1955 Member of the National Peace Council
  Board member of the Hungarian-Soviet Friendship Society
From 1958 honorary member of the USSR Academy of Arts
1925-1960 Professor of the College of Fine Arts
1912 He traveled over the Europe (Florence, Rome, London, Paris) through the Rudics Award
1927-1928 trip in England and America
after 1945 repeatedly visited the Soviet Union and other socialist countries
  His teachers: György Mátrai Lajos, Antal Lóránfi, Anton Breneck, Béla Radnai
1974 Hungarian Republic Award
1970 Lenin-memorial medal
1954, 1955, 1970 Work Red Banner Order of Merit
1966 Work Merit grade gold
1950, 1953 Kossuth-award
1952 Outstanding artist
1941 Chivalrous Cross of the Hungarian Republic
1937 Word exhibition of Paris, Diplome d' Honneur
1931 Corvin wreath
1930 Arnold Ipolyi-award, Diploma di Partecipazione Monza
1929 Barcelona International Exhibition gold medal
1929 Hungarian State Little Gold Medal
1927 Pittsburgh city golden key, Warsaw Fine Arts Society gold medal
1926 Gold Medal of Philadelphia
1922 Erzsébetváros Casino sculptor Awards
1919 Lipótvárosi Casino Awards
1917 Chivalrous Cross of the József Ferenc order
1912 Rudics-award
1904 Deák scholarship
1903 School of Applied Arts First statuette awards
  Single exhibition
1984 Sculptor and his models, Centenary Memorial Exhibition, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
1976 Memorial Museum, Zalaegerszeg
1967 Alsórajk
1965, 1974 Göcsej Museum, Zalaegerszeg
1965 Saint Stephen King Museum, Székesfehérvár
1959 Pozsony
1958 Kinsky-palace, Prague
1957 Tallin, Riga
1956 Kijev, Odessza, Harkov, Lvov
1955 Leningrád
1954 Art Gallery, Budapest
1935 White Allom Gallery, London
1927, 1932 Ernst Museum, Budapest
1917, 1921, 1922, és 1925 with Béla Iványi Grünwald, Budapest
  Selected group exhibition
1980 Madách-exhibition, János Xantus Museum, Győr
1978 Hungarian sculpture, Art Gallery, Budapest
1974 Ede Telcs and his students, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
1973 Hungarian sculpture 1957-1972, Puskin Museum, Moscow
  Herendi Porcelain Factory exhibition, Vienna
  Outdoor sculpture exhibition, Salgótarján
1969 Petőfi memorial exhibition, Petőfi literary Museum, Budapest
  International military art exhibition, Art Gallery, Budapest
  Hungarian Art 1896-1945, Ernst Museum, Budapest
1967 XX. century Hungarian art, London
1966 Hungarian sculptur 1920-1945. the twentieth century Hungarian Art, Csók Gallery, Székesfehérvár
  XX. century Hungarian Art, Szeged
1965 The Százados street Art Colony 50-years-old jubilee exhibition, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
1962 The Százados street Art Colony 50-years-old jubilee exhibition, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
1960 Our art after the release, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
1959 Teacher's Art, Ernst Museum, Budapest
  Moscow Biennale, Moscow
  Spring Exhibition, Pécs
1958 Bukarest
  Hungarian revolutionary art, Moscow
1957  III. Miskolc National exhibition, Herman Ottó Museum, Miskolc
  Seventy-artist exhibition, Ernst Museum, Budapest
  Hungarian revolutionary art, Budapest
1954 Hungarian plastic and graphic exhibition, Ernst Museum, Budapest
1952 Portrait exhibition, Ernst Museum, Budapest
  Spring exhibition, Art Gallery, Budapest
1951 Hungarian soldier for freedom, Capital Gallery, Budapest
  Hungarian Fine Arts Exhibition, Warsaw
1950, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1962 1., 3., 4., 6., 9. Hungarian Fine Arts Exhibition, Art Gallery, Budapest
1948 Hungarian exhibition, London
1940 Art weeks of Nyíregyháza National Fine Art exhibition, Nyíregyháza-Sóstó
1938 Helsinki
  Hungarian Fine Art exhibition, Riga
  National Salon, Budapest
  Madách-tender I-II. exhibition, Arts and Crafts Museum, Budapest
1937 Hungarian exhibition, Vienna
  Szinyei Society exhibition, Brüsszel 
  World Exhibition, Paris
1936 The woman in the arts, Art Gallery, Budapest
1936 Munkácsy Guild Exhibition, National Salon, Budapest
1935 Hungarian exhibition in Brussels, Brussels
  Szinyei Society exhibition, Ernst Museum, Budapest
  Jubilee Exhibition of Arts and Crafts Society, Arts and Crafts Museum, Budapest
1934 Jubilee Exhibition of Arts and Crafts Society, Arts and Crafts Museum, Budapest
1931  Horthy jubilee exhibition, Art Gallery, Budapest
  Artists Groups Art Gallery, Budapest
  Szinyei Society III. exhibition, National Salon, Budapest
1930 Szent Imre exhibition, Art Gallery, Budapest
  International exhibition, Monza
1929 Hungarian Art exhibition - Hungarian művészeti hét, Nürnberg
  Hungarian representative exhibition, Genf
  International exhibition, Barcelona
1928 Nude exhibition, Secession, Vienna
  Hungarian exhibition, Malmö 
1927 Heroic monument plans, Art Gallery, Budapest
  Hungarian Fine Art exhibition, Göteborg
  Hungarian exhibition, Warsaw
  Hungarian exhibition, Pittsburgh
1926 Hungarian exhibition, Philadelphia
1925 Church Art exhibition, Róma
  Nude exhibition, Art Gallery, Budapest
1922 Group exhibition, Ernst Museum, Budapest
1921 Hague, Stockholm
  Hungarian exhibition, Amsterdam
1912, 1919 Winter exhibition, Art Gallery, Budapest
1909 Art House first exhibition, Budapest
1909, 1912, 1914, 1930, 1932, 1934, 1938, 1940 I. Venice Biennale, Venice
1907, 1908 Spring exhibition, Art Gallery, Budapest
1906 School of Decorative Arts exhibition
  Works in public collections
  British Museum, London
  Ermitázs, Szentpétervár
  Göcsej Museum, Zalaegerszeg
  Christian Museum, Esztergom
  Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
  National Museum, Göteborg
  Puskin Museum, Szentpétervár
  Sárospatak Gallery
  Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
  Vay Ádám Museum, Vaja
  Selected public works
  Dénes Szűry tomb (Marble, 1912, Budapest, Németvölgyi cemetery )
  Irredentist statue, Észak (statuer, artificial stone, 1921, Budapest, V. dist., Szabadság square, in 1945 breakdowns)
  War Memorial (1bout 921, Kapuvár)
  First World War heroes memorial (1921, Körmend, Kossuth str. corner)
  First World War memorial (statue, stone, 1924, Budapest, XVII. dist., Pesti street 142-144.)
  Limanova 9. Hussars - Nádasdy Hussars monument (1924, Sopron, Deák square)
  István Türr memorial table (bronze, 1929, Budapest, V. dist., Türr street 6.)
  gr. Festetics Géza and his wife tomb (1929, Budapest, Kerepesi cemetery )
  Saint Imre (bronze, 1930, Budapest, XI. dist., Móricz Zs. square)
  Petőfi and Jókai bust (1931, Pápa, Széchenyi square Dorm)
  Benczúr Gyula (bust, grey sandstone , 1931, Szeged, Pantheon)
  Mányoki memorial table (1932, Szokolya)
  Hussair (statue, bronze, 1932, Budapest, I. dst., Dísz square)
  The Birth of Venus (bronze, 1933, Nyíregyháza, Károlyi square, Barcelona ​​award-winning work)
  Mihály Horváth (1934, Szentes)
  Louis Marsigli-Luigi Ferdinando (bust, bronze, 1936, Budapest, I. dist., Palace, Eastern terrace)
  Christ (stone, 1935, Budapest, XVII. dist., Bajcsy-Zsilinszky square, Before the Roman Catholic church)
  War Memorial (bronze, 1937, Nyíregyháza)
  Komáromi Csipkés György (1938, Debrecen)
  Szent György (bronze, 1939, Budapest, I. kdist., Szent György square, Sándor Danube Palace facadet)
  War Memoria (1939, Madocsa)
  War Memoria (1940, Tarcal, Heroes Garden)
  Liberation Monument (stone, bronze, 1947, Budapest, XI. dist., Gellért hill)
  State flag crest (bronze, 1947, Budapest, XI. dist., front of the Gellérthegyi-memorial)
  Martyrs Monument - Vádló (1949, Marcali)
  Kossuth Lajos monument (bronze, 1952, Budapest, V. dist., Kossuth square)
  Kossuth Lajos (bronze, 1953-1955, Budapest, XIV. dist., Heroes Square, Jubilee monument)
  II. Rákóczi Ferenc (bronze, 1953-1955, Budapest, XIV. dist., Heroes Square, Jubilee monument)
  II. Rákóczi Ferenc and Esze Tamás meeting (relief, 1953-1955, Budapest, XIV. dist, Heroes Square, Jubilee monument)
  Taming small (bronze, 1959, Szentes, County Hospital)
  Kossuth Lajos (bronze, 1959, Monok, Kossuth park)
  Goose girl (bronze, 1961-1966, Hódmezővásárhely, Népkert street)
  Weiner Leó-tomb (1962, Budapest, Kerepesi cemetery )
  Lizard (1962 körül, Balatonfüred, Sanatorium park)
  State flag (stone, bronze, 1965, Budapest, V. dist, Kossuth square,front of the Parliament)
  State flag (stone, bronze, 1965, Budapest, V. dist, Kossuth square, front of the Parliament)
  Miklós Izsó (bust, bronze, 1972, Budapest, XIII. dist, Margaret Island, Artist walkway)
  Vorosilov marsall (stone, 1981, Nyíregyháza, Hungarian Néphadsereg, kő)
  Lipót Herman (bust, bronze, 1983, Gyöngyös, Herman Lipót walkway)
  Woman entering water (aluminium, 1987, Zalakaros, beach)
  János Gundel (bust, bronze, 1910, felállítva 1992, Budapest, XIV. dist, Állatkerti út 2., Gundel Étterem)
  Zoltán Kodály (portrait, Marble, Budapest, XI. dist, Ménesi street 11-13., Eötvös Dorm)
  Dragonslayer (bronze, Zalaegerszeg, Göcsej Museum)
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