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Molnár, C. Pál

He is one of the outstanding figures of Hungarian graphical artists. His works can be recognised by his individual style. He very much liked to use the techniques of woodcut and lithography. His elegant lines and forms cubistic and expressive elements are added. Although he used the new techniques of art work, his works kept their figurative style, in many cases the choice of topic is traditional. He is a renovator of sacral art, especially with his representations of Mary’s and Jesus’ life. 
In 1928 he went to the Collegium Hungaricum in Rome with a scholarship. From that time on he works find a neo-classicistic focus, which can be well combined with the influence of the Renaissance painting. The vibration of the light and dark surfaces next to each other gives his works a certain dynamic. His character drawings are full of humour. The housewives, the well entertained gentlemen and the cuddling couples – they all represent the atmosphere full of irony of the contemporary man.
Year Biography
1894 born in Battonya-Tompapuszta
1915-1918 Hungarian Academy of Fine arts, teacher of arts
1918 studies in Switzerland
1921-1922 studies paintings in the Louvre
1923 First exhibition after coming home
  in the Belvedere
since 1924 regular exhibitions
  One of the highlights of his career:
  Illustrations of Cyrano de Bergerac 1932-1933,
  1935 Hungarian and English edition with studies of
  Károly Rosnerk, numerous awards
  Poster designs
  Founder and constant exhibiter of the Artistic Group
  Buda, founded in 1945
1947-1970 regular clerical commissions
1980 Accademia delle Arti e del Lavora, Gold medal
1974 Munka Érdemrend arany fokozata
1946 Diplôme d'Honneur, Nancy
1937 World exhibition Paris, awards
  (for illustrations, graphics), gold medall (painting)
1934-1938 Warsaw, award for graphic and painting
1934 Main prize of the Szinyei Társaság
1933-1936 Triennale in Milano: award for graphic and paintingi
1929-1937 International exhibition for applied arts, gold medall
  Single exhibitions
1994 Tihanyi Bencés Apátság, Tihany.
1993-1994 Móra Ferenc Múzeum, Szeged
1993 Gellért Szálló, Budapest
1991 Szombathely
  Belvedere, Bécs
1990 Landesmuseum am Johanneum, Graz
1988 Zalaegerszeg
  Fészek Művészklub, Budapest
1986 Tihanyi Bencés Apátság, Tihany
1984 Szentesi Galéria, Szentes
  Emlékház Battonya
  Műterem-Múzeum (Ateliermuseum, ständige Ausstellung
  Ménesi út 65., Budapest)
1982 Hatvani Galéria, Hatvan
  Bartók 32 Galéria, Budapest
1980 Iskola Galéria, Csepel
1979 Battonya
  Dürer Terem, Gyula
1977 Csók Galéria, Budapest
1976 Képcsarnok, Pécs
  Móra Ferenc Múzeum, Szeged
1975 Ernst Múzeum, Budapest
  Galerie Peithner-Lichtenfeld, Bécs
1974 Ernst Múzeum, Budapest
  Vaszary Terem, Kaposvár
1971 Szőnyi Terem, Miskolc
1970 Csók Galéria, Budapest
1969 Vaszary Terem, Kaposvár
1965 Csók Galéria, Budapest
1959 Csók Galéria, Budapest
1958 Galerie Gurlitt, Berlin
1955 Csók Galéria, Budapest
1937 Fränkel Szalon, Budapest
1934 Ernst Múzeum, Budapest
1923 Belvedere, Budapest
1919-1920 Lausanne
  Selected group exhibitions
1945-től constant exhibition in the Artistc group Buda
1954 Ernst Múzeum, Budapest
1928-1942 XVI., XVII., XVIII., XX., XXI., XXII., XXIII.
  Biennale Venice
  Works in public collections
  G. d'Arte Moderna, Rome
  Janus Pannonius Múzeum Modern Képtár, Pécs
  Keresztény Múzeum, Esztergom
  Laing Art Gallery, Edinburgh
  M. della Biennálé, Venedig
  MOMA, New York
  Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
  Neue Pinakothek, München.
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