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Párkányi, Péter



Péter Párkányi was born on September 6th of 1967 in Balassagyarmat. From 1987, he attended the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest as a sculptor, with István Kiss and György Jovánovics as his teachers. Already in 1988 he received his first commission for a public sculpture in Sopron, for the bust of Attila József. In 1990, he was invited to the Stonesculptor-Symposium in Kassel, Germany, where one of his works was exhibited. In the same year he created the public sculpture of György Szondy in his hometown.
He participated in several exhibitions in Hungary and abroad. At that time he was mainly working on monumental sculptures. In 1991, he was invited to Sardinia to the International Stonesculptor-Symposium, where he was awarded the first prize for his works. At the same time, his first single exhibition took place in Balassagyarmat in the Endre Horváth Gallery. In 1993, he participated at the exhibition in honour of Queen Elisabeth II. at the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Budapest. He was awarded first prize at the Széchényi-Exhibition, and at the Academy at Epreskert he presented his bronze sculpture „Slow horse gaze”, which depicts a horse upside down, attached to the top of a carriage, with its feet pointing to the sky with a suffering gaze.
In 1994, the city of Körmend gave him the commission for the sculpture of King Béla IV., which was inaugurated at the 750th birthday of the city. In 1996 he visited the States, where he worked on a sculpture for the University of Northern Arizona, and participated in several single and group exhibitions. In 1997 he got commissions for several public sculptures, his home town elected him for the Horváth Ferenc-Award and in the „Műcsarnok” –Art Gallery in Budapest, where he presented his sculpture "Rosary".
In 1998 he received the Golden Certificate of the Hungarian Academy of the Arts for his sculptures at the frontage of the National Theatre of Budapest. He was given the Koller-Award in 1999. 
Year Biography
1967 Born in Balassagyarmat
1987-1995 College of Fine Arts
  Teachers: István Kiss and György Jovánovics.
  Pupil of Melocco.
2009 Gundel Art Award, Hungary
2008 Duna Television Hungarian Stars Award, Hungary
  I. Grand Prize of the Gold Paketai, Audience Award and the City of Cannes honors
2007 III. Grand Prize of the Gold Paketai, Le Monde de la Culture et des Arts - M.C.A. Exposition Internationale, Franciaország
2002 Honorary Citizen of Balassagyarmat
1998 Koller-award
1997 Horváth Endre-award, Balassagyarmat.
1994 I. and III. Pize, Sacrificial Monument-tender, Szombathely.
1993 First Prize of Autumn Exhibition, Szécsény.
1991 I. Prize, International Stone Sculpture Symposium, Quartu St. Elena, Szardínia.
  Single exhibitions
2011 Forrás Gallery, Budapest
2007 Elysé de L'Art, Paris, France
2005 XV. Regards Sur Les Arts, Lamballe, France
  Galerie de Tourgéville, Tourgéville, France
2004 Guest of honor at Bretagne saloon Exhibition, France
2002 Realistic Dreams, Leiden, Netherlands
2001 Ericsson Gallery, Budapest
  Pfister Gallery
1999 Budapest Gallery, Budapest
  Master and Pupil, Vízivárosi Gallery, Budapest (with Miklós Melocco)
1996 Sculptures, phtos, drawings, Northern Arizona Art Museum and Gallery, Flagstaff [USA]
1995 Zichy Gallery, Leiden
1993 Lassított lónézés, College of Fine Art, Budapest
1991 Sculptures, Horváth E. Gallery, Balassagyarmat
  Selected Group exhibitions
2012 "We Belong Together" group exhibition, Forrás Gallery, Budapest
2011 "Hungarian Art" exhibition, China, Museum of Fine Arts, Peking
2010 Boldogasszony Exhibition, Forrás Gallery, Budapest, Hungary Art Shanghai
  Internatonal Fine Art Exhibition and Fair, Shanghai, China
  The Hungarian Sculptors Society Exhibition, Budapest, Vízivárosi Gallery, Hungary
2009 Invité d'honneur - a XI. M.C.A. Guest of Honor of the Exposition Internationale, Cannes (Franciaország)
  Firenzei Biennálé
  Invité d'honneur a XI. M.C.A. Exposition Internationale, Cannes, Franciaország
2008  F-Group travelling exhibition in Transylvania: Csíkszereda, Kolozsvár, Sepsiszentgyörgy
  X. Le Monde de La Culture et Des Arts - M.C.A. Exposition Internationale, Cannes, Franciaország
   Guangzhou International Art Fair, Canton, Kína
  The Hungarian Sculptors Society Exhibition, Vizivárosi Gallery, Budapest
  X. Le Monde de la Culture et des Arts, - M.C.A. Exposition Internationale, Cannes, Franciaország
2007 IX. Le Monde de la Culture et des Arts, - M.C.A. Exposition Internationale, Cannes, Franciaország
  The Hungarian Sculptors Society Exhibition, Malom Gallery, Szentendre
  Guangzhou Internatonal Art Fair, Kanton, China
  XVII. Regards Sur Les Arts, Lamballe, France
2006 XVI. Regards Sur Les Arts, Lamballe, France
  Exhibition with Filep Sándor, Zalaegerszeg
  The Hungarian Sculptors Society X. Jubilee Exhibition, Hamilton Newjersey, USA
2005 Group exhibition with the F group, Veszprém
  Exhibition with Szabó Ákos painterl, Normandia, France
2004 Group exhibition with the F group, Székesfehérvár
2002 Kempinski Hotel, Budapest
2001 Szobrászaton innen és túl, Műcsarnok, Budapest.
1997 New Gresham Company
  Hungarian Saloon, Műcsarnok, Budapest
1995 Situation/ Hungarian Sculpture, Műcsarnok, Budapest
  The figure and part, Northern Arizona Art Museum and Gallery, Flagstaff [USA]
1993 II. Elizabeth Queen's honor, British Embassy
1991 Stone Sculpture Simposium Quartu St. Elena (Szardínia)
1990 Oltre il muro, Milánó
  Margitszigeti Víztorony
1989 Baudelaire, France Institution, Budapest
  In memory of Stephen King, College of Fine Art
  Works in public collections
  Bánffy Miklós, Sopron, 2013
  Vízöntő-díszkút, Pápa, 2013
  Diakonissza, Budapest, 2012
  Mindszenty József bíboros, Budapest, 2012
  Testvérvárosok Kútja, Nagykanizsa, 2012
  Pecázó fiú pulykával, Szombathely, 2010
  Trianon Emlékmű , Kaposvár, 2010
  Wass Albert emlékmű, Mátészalka, 2009
  Bessenyei Ferenc színművész egész alakos portrészobra, 2008, Budapest
  Asklépiosz és Hüggieia, 2007, SOTE, Magyarország,
  Ister-kút, 2007, Esztergom
  Mindszenty bíboros domborműve, 2006, Balassagyarmat
  Balassi Bálint, 2004, Balassagyarmat
  Mauks Ilona, 2003, Mohora
  Civitas Fortissima, 2002, Balassagyarmat
  Szent-Györgi Albert, 2002, Terény
  Kilenc Múzsa az Új Nemzeti Színház Főhomlokzatán, 2002, Budapest
  Básti Laos, Lukács Margit, Gobbi Hilda, Latabár Kálmán, Tímár József, Soós Imre egész alakos portrészobrai az Új Nemzeti Színház szoborparkjában, 2002, Budapest
  Realista álmok, 2001, St. Ulrich, Ausztria
  Tavirózsa, 2000, Hévíz, Európa Hotel.
  Köszöntő szoborpár, 2000, Szeged.  
  Vágó Pál, 2000, Jászapáti.
  Szent István, 2000, Csenger.
  Jókai-emlékmű, 2000, Budapest, XII. ker., Diana park.
  Magyar forradalmak emlékműve, 1998, Kisszállás.
  1996 a Tudomány éve, 1996, Flagstaff, USA.
  Áldozati emlékmű, 1995, Szombathely.  
  Fábián Dezső, Kárpáti György, 1994, Budapest, FTC Sportcentrum.  
  IV. Béla király, 1994, Körmend.  
  Fráter Erzsébet, 1992, Balassagyarmat.  
  Szondy György, 1990, Balassagyarmat.  
  József Attila, 1988, Sopron.  
  Vágó Pál, 2000, Jászapáti.
  Szent István, 2000, Csenger.
  Jókai-emlékmű, 2000, Budapest, XII. ker., Diana park.
  Magyar forradalmak emlékműve, 1998, Kisszállás.
  1996 a Tudomány éve, 1996, Flagstaff, USA.
  Áldozati emlékmű, 1995, Szombathely.  
  Fábián Dezső, Kárpáti György, 1994, Budapest, FTC Sportcentrum.  
  IV. Béla király, 1994, Körmend.  
  Fráter Erzsébet, 1992, Balassagyarmat.  
  Szondy György, 1990, Balassagyarmat.  
  József Attila, 1988, Sopron.  
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