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Amerigo Tot (1909-1984)

2010. September 24. - October 14.

There are probably only two names, which are known worldwide among the 20th century artists with Hungarian origin: Victor Vasarely and Amerigo Tot. Originally, he was mainly a graphical artist, but in Rome, he turned into a sculptor and the elaboration of his lifework is still connected to Italy. His classical and abstract compositions, the monumental and decorative forms, geometrical shapes and lyrical figures embrace the artist’s odyssey through life. His works – beside numerous places on the world – can be seen in several Hungarian museums and from now on it will be extended by one more.

In the Koller Gallery, Amerigo Tot’s former house and studio, a memorial room has been opened to pay homage to the exceptional Hungarian sculptor. Beside the artist’s personal objects several selected artworks are exhibited. Together with the inauguration, an exhibition shows a fine selection of Amerigo Tot’s graphical works: his female nudes, character drawings and still lives. Those works all have in common that they have not been yet exposed on exhibitions, thus the visitors have the possibility to see previously unreleased artworks. 

After the exhibition, the memorial room will be continuously open and free to visit for everyone.


Exhibited artworks

Amerigo Tot - sculptures: Found and Made
Amerigo Tot - sculptures - Found and Made Amerigo Tot memorial place, Fehérvárcsurgó
Amerigo Tot - sculptures: Retired wrestler
Amerigo Tot - sculptures - Retired wrestler Amerigo Tot memorial room, Koller Gallery
Amerigo Tot - sculptures: The Gossip
Amerigo Tot - sculptures - The Gossip Amerigo Tot memorial place, Fehérvárcsurgó
Amerigo Tot - sculptures: The three graces II
Amerigo Tot - sculptures - The three graces II Sold to a private collection (Germany)
Tot, Amerigo: Conversation at home
Tot, Amerigo - Conversation at home Amerigo Tot legacy, Fehérvárcsurgó
Tot, Amerigo: Elder man
Tot, Amerigo - Elder man Amerigo Tot legacy, Fehérvárcsurgó
Tot, Amerigo: Lady in the chair
Tot, Amerigo - Lady in the chair Amerigo Tot legacy, Fehérvárcsurgó
Tot, Amerigo: Man with cigarette
Tot, Amerigo - Man with cigarette sold to a private collection (USA)
Tot, Amerigo: Man with three graces
Tot, Amerigo - Man with three graces sold to a private collection (Australia)
Tot, Amerigo: Nude
Tot, Amerigo - Nude Amerigo Tot legacy, Fehérvárcsurgó
Tot, Amerigo: Nude I.
Tot, Amerigo - Nude I. sold to a private collection (Canada)
Tot, Amerigo: Nude I.
Tot, Amerigo - Nude I. private collection
Tot, Amerigo: Nude II.
Tot, Amerigo - Nude II. sold to a private collection (Canada)
Tot, Amerigo: Nude II.
Tot, Amerigo - Nude II. sold to private collection (Hungary)
Tot, Amerigo: Nude III.
Tot, Amerigo - Nude III. sold to a private collection (Italy)
Tot, Amerigo: Omaggio á Giorgio Morandi
Tot, Amerigo - Omaggio á Giorgio Morandi sold to a private collection (Hungary)
Tot, Amerigo: Portrait of a man
Tot, Amerigo - Portrait of a man Amerigo Tot legacy, Fehérvárcsurgó
Tot, Amerigo: Portrait of a woman
Tot, Amerigo - Portrait of a woman private collection
Tot, Amerigo: Portrait of a woman
Tot, Amerigo - Portrait of a woman sold to a private collection (Hungary)
Tot, Amerigo: Seductive woman
Tot, Amerigo - Seductive woman sold to a private collection (Hungary)
Tot, Amerigo: Self portrait
Tot, Amerigo - Self portrait Amerigo Tot legacy, Fehérvárcsurgó
Tot, Amerigo: Still life with a teapot
Tot, Amerigo - Still life with a teapot Amerigo Tot legacy, Fehérvárcsurgó
Tot, Amerigo: Still life with scissors
Tot, Amerigo - Still life with scissors Amerigo Tot legacy, Fehérvárcsurgó
Tot, Amerigo: The three graces I
Tot, Amerigo - The three graces I sold to a private collection (USA)

Impressions from the exhibiton

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