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Luciano Longo - Artworks 1998-2010

2010. September 09. - September 26.

The outstanding representative of the middle-aged generation of contemporary Italian artists Luciano Longo, presents his first single exhibition in Hungary. A sensitive artist, who not only shows the sights of the objects, but also their idea, their symbolic-allegorical content. He is the painter of still lives, the silent lives of the objects, their metaphysical sustainer, companion of their breathing. The objects in his paintings are at the border of two worlds sighing into one another, between reality and apparent illusion. They open gates in the other world, dependent on each other they stroll here and there.

The works in the Koller Gallery are part of a touring exhibition and will be seen afterwards in Ferrara, in the Galleria del Carbone and in Potenza, in the Museo del Palazzo Loffredo.
A bilingual catalogue accompanies the exhibition and can be purchased in our gallery.

Exhibited artworks

Longo, Luciano: Artifice
Longo, Luciano - Artifice private collection (Israel)
Longo, Luciano: Artificial nature
Longo, Luciano - Artificial nature Sold to a private collection (United States)
Longo, Luciano: At the river
Longo, Luciano - At the river Sold to a private collection (United States)
Longo, Luciano: Autumnal basket
Longo, Luciano - Autumnal basket private collection
Longo, Luciano: Exhibited nature
Longo, Luciano - Exhibited nature private collection
Longo, Luciano: Greek vases
Longo, Luciano - Greek vases private collection
Longo, Luciano: Homely Sahara
Longo, Luciano - Homely Sahara private collection
Longo, Luciano: Hommage a Pollaiuolo
Longo, Luciano - Hommage a Pollaiuolo Private collection
Longo, Luciano: In the studio
Longo, Luciano - In the studio Sold to a private collection (United States)
Longo, Luciano: Mnemosyne
Longo, Luciano - Mnemosyne private collection
Longo, Luciano: Roses
Longo, Luciano - Roses private collection
Longo, Luciano: September still life
Longo, Luciano - September still life private collection
Longo, Luciano: The last Cotan
Longo, Luciano - The last Cotan Private collection
Longo, Luciano: Tribute to Velazquez
Longo, Luciano - Tribute to Velazquez private collection
Longo, Luciano: Vanitas
Longo, Luciano - Vanitas private collection

Impressions from the exhibiton

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