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Reich, Károly

2019. September 12. - October 13.

The exhibition shows a selection of fabulous drawings and book illustrations by Károly Reich. The graphic artist awarded with Kossuth and Munkácsy Prize, was born in 1922 in Balatonszemes (Hungary). In 1948 he graduated on the University of Applied Arts where his masters were György Konecsi and Gyula Hincz. Since the 1950s he has participated in many exhibitions. He also grow up his career as a poster designer and later as an illustrator.
Károly Reich first was related with nature on his native land, near to the Lake Balaton, later this love became the main inspiration for his work. The classical tranquility and natural serenity of the Greek mythology also inspired his artworks. His self-portraits and magnificent illustrations are effected by the humanism of the artist, who is loving people, nature, and animals. The image of his works is playfully soft and simple. His drawings characterized by loose, soft, but secure linelead. The proportion of his figure and his individual style made his works known and popular. Generations grew up with his bookillustrations what gave lasting experience for the readers. 

"The Master not longer living with us, but his timeless and treasure artworks stay with us. The exhibition gives you an insight into the souls of the artist, who wants to repent of the altar of the art." (Gábor Reich)

Exhibited artworks

Reich, Károly: Annunciation III.
Reich, Károly - Annunciation III. sold to a private collection (Hungary)
Reich, Károly: Flower
Reich, Károly - Flower Private collection- Hungary
Reich, Károly: Loving couple I.
Reich, Károly - Loving couple I. Private collection Hungary
Reich, Károly: Loving couple II.
Reich, Károly - Loving couple II. Private collection Hungary
Reich, Károly: Orpheus and Eurydice
Reich, Károly - Orpheus and Eurydice Private collection Hungary
Reich, Károly: Woman and man
Reich, Károly - Woman and man Private collection Hungary

Impressions from the exhibiton

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