Reich, Károly
Károly Reich was born the 8th of August 1922 in Balatonszemes. Already as a child, he was fascinated by paintings and wood carving. After school, he started to work and made his first decorations for display windows. In 1942, he continued his studies at the drawing school of the Hangya Association in Budapest till 1948. Jenő Haranghy, Ernő Kállai, Gyula Hincz und György Konecsni were his teachers.
After his studies he created movie posters, graphics, illustrations. His first works were the illustrations of the books by Sándor Petőfi, János Arany and Jolán József. At that time book illustrations were his main occupation.
From 1950 on, he participated regularly at exhibitions, first with fairy tale illustrations. In 1954 and 1956 he was awarded the Munkácsy-Award, in 1963 the Kossuth-Award. In the same year, his first single exhibition took place in the Dürer salon in Budapest. In 1965, he was awarded the gold medal from the International Book fair in Leipzig. At that time he got several commissions for wall paintings.
In 1972, his exhibition was opened at the Palace of Art in Budapest. In 1975, he got the title Awarded Artist. During the 1980s, he also did some statuettes in bronze. The Vigadó Gallery in Budapest presented his works in 1981. In 1987, the Festőterem in Sopron opened his last broad exhibition. Reich died the 7th of January 1988 in Budapest.
His lifework shows around 500 book illustrations, which are mainly inspired by Greek mythology. His works can be found in the National Gallery Budapest, the Petőfi Literary Museum Budapest, in private collections and in the heritage, of which his family takes care of.
Year | Biography |
1922 | born in Balatonszemes |
1942-1944 | Hungarian Academy of Applied Arts |
Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts | |
Teachers: Jenő Haranghy, György Konecsni, Gyula Hincz. | |
Illustration of over 500 books | |
Among them: Petőfi Sándor-, Móra Ferenc-, Benedek Elek-, | |
Kormos István-, Zelk Zoltán-, Radnóti-illustrations, Variációk (1971, mit Gábor | |
Devecseri) , Pastorale (1973), Hazafelé, Hitem szerint (1977), Ceruzarajzok (1985). | |
Awards | |
1954 | Munkácsy-award |
1956 | Munkácsy-award |
1963 | Kossuth-award |
1972 | Merited artist |
1975 | Outstanding artist |
Solo exhibitions | |
2000 | Déri Múzeum, Debrecen. |
1995 | Kossuth Klub, Budapest |
1993 | Csontváry Galéria, Budapest; Csorna; Művészetek Háza, Szekszárd (kat.) |
1989 | Budapest Galéria, Budapest |
1987 | Hamburg; Sopron; Békéscsaba (kat.) |
1986 | Miskolc |
1984 | Művelődési Központ, Veszprém |
1983 | Erzsébetvárosi Kisgaléria |
1982 | Bolgár Kultúra Háza |
1981 | Vigadó Galéria, Budapest |
1978 | Műcsarnok [mit Somogyi József] (kat.) |
Kápolna, Balatonboglár [with Somogyi József], Miskolc | |
1977 | Csók Galéria, Budapest (kat.); Somogyi Képtár, Kaposvár |
Megyei Könyvtár, Békéscsaba; Művelődési Ház, Ajka [with János Kass] | |
1976 | Szekszárd |
1975 | Szófia |
1974 | Visegrád |
1973 | Helikon Galéria, Budapest |
1972 | Műcsarnok, Budapest (kat.); Berlin |
1971 | Hajdúszoboszló; Miskolc |
1964 | Dürer Terem, Budapest |
Group exhibitions | |
1981 | BIB '81, Pozsony. |
1978 | Magyar grafika, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest |
Rajzok, Miskolci Galéria, Miskolc | |
Orizont , Bukarest | |
1971 | Barátaink, Bolgár Kulturális Központ, Budapest |
1968 | Ungarische Kunst, Museum Folkwang, Essen |
1966 | 9 festő és grafikus kiállítása, Műcsarnok, Budapest |
IX. Esp. Internationale di bianco e nero, Lugano (CH) | |
1960 | Magyar Plakát-Történeti Kiállítás 1885-1960, Műcsarnok, Budapest |
1961-1985 | I.-XIII. Országos Grafikai Biennálé, Miskolc |
1952-1965 | 3.-10. Magyar Képzőművészeti kiállítás, Műcsarnok, Budapest |
Public works | |
Pannók (Gyermekváros, Fót) | |
Kindergarden, Zalaegerszeg | |
Kindergarden, Rákospalota | |
Budapest, II. sz. Childen's clinic | |
Children's clinic, Miskolc. | |
Works in public collections | |
Déri Múzeum, Debrecen | |
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest | |
Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum, Budapest. |